This weekend was the British Craft Trade fair, in my lovely hometown of Harrogate. Its basically a huge event for British and Irish crafters, which buyers from gift shops, galleries, interior designers, magazine journalists etc come to to source new artists and new products. All very exciting, especially for a craft magpie like me.

Lots of very lovely gorgeousness, as you can see. Its always very inspiring to see what everyone else is doing, and interesting to watch the habits of the buyers too, so its a good place to visit. As you can see from my winnings, in this photo. I must have a million business cards by now, but I'll never get enough. They're like little cardboard jewels.
In other news, I also listed a new mobile in my PippinDesigns shop, which I'm quite pleased with, its influenced by a childhood memory of a mexican mobile in a friends home somewhere, and I want to make another, perhaps bigger, with vintage floral fabrics, and bells. I'd love to make one as a door screen too. Prettyful and fun.
Here it is!

Right, now I am off to enjoy a lovely omelette for my din-dins. Laters! xxx